The Law Of Cause And Effect

Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect has been the basis of scientific theory and study for decades.  In fact, it is also something that mothers use to help teach their children how the world works.  You might remind a young child is 10 times to take his lunch with him to school but if you continue to bring his lunch when he forgets it, he does not learn.  Many behavioralists recommend that when the child forgets his lunch he goes hungry.  He will only go hungry once or twice before he remembers to bring his lunch to school.  This is the effect of cause and effect.

Simply put, the Law of Cause and Effect states that every material effect must have an adequate cause which existed before the effect took place.  Material effects without adequate cause do not exist.  Also, an effect is never greater than the cause and never comes before the cause.  For instance, a book will not fall off the table because the fly landed on it.  This is not an adequate cause.

The Law of Cause and Effect is an integral part of the universal laws which affect each and every one of us.  Together with the Law of Attraction, the Law of Cause and Effect works to help individuals achieve specific goals.  The Law of Attraction assists the individual in helping them to believe that they are capable of achieving the goal which they desire and to then put into effect specific material causes which will result in the effect they desire.

Specifically they put in to play a causative action that is adequate to produce a specific event.

Children learn this law at an early age.  If they throw a ball it must be hard enough if they intend to break the window.  Throwing a cherry at the window is not an adequate cause to have the effect of breaking the window, but throwing a baseball will.  It seems that as we grow older we do not always extrapolate this information to events which are greater in our lives.

For instance, in order to become a millionaire you must take action in your life to develop either an income source or become expert at investment.  $1 million will not show up on your kitchen table tomorrow just because you dreamed of it.  Instead, by believing that you can achieve $1 million you will be willing to take the actions necessary to learn investment techniques or develop your own business that can generate the income to achieve $1 million.

Some people call the Law of Cause and Effect karma or cosmic juice because it appears as if when you do something good that good comes back to you or when you are evil that evil comes back to you.  That’s not always the case.  If the good that you do is not of adequate material cause to generate good to come back to you then you may not see any results from it at all.  On the other hand, if the evil you do has enough adequate cause you may see bad things happen to you.

In the New Age culture people believe that this karmic debt does not die when the body dies.  In other words, they believe that any evil you have done in this life will follow you into an eternal afterlife.  Depending upon your own spiritual belief system this may make sense to you or it may not.  But today we are dealing with the reality of the living and the here and now.  So, whether any evil or negative effects you placed into motion while you’re alive will follow you to another life is a discussion for another time.

Some believe that the Law of Cause and Effect is the law that other universal laws are based upon.  This is because the interconnectedness of other laws all fall back on whether or not a material cause is placed into motion to create the effect that you desire.  The old saying “you get what you give” is an apt description of this particular universal law.

Men and women have been writing about the Law of Cause and Effect for centuries.  Scientists have found that this law is the basis for all material scientific experiments and was expressed most aptly by Newton when he said “for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.”

By working with the Law of Cause and Effect most people can continue to move forward toward the achievement of their goals and can understand how their actions now have an effect in their lives that can be seen for generations to come.