Strive To Be The Best Boss You Can Be

Organizations are constantly looking for methods and ways in which to decrease attrition.  This means they want to increase employee satisfaction and longevity so they are not faced with the added expense of hiring new individuals.  One of the best ways to improve employee retention and satisfaction is to be the best boss you can be.

Think back to the job you held where you were the most satisfied and you enjoyed your position.  Most likely, there was no role confusion with your boss.  You both understood the roles that you play for the organization and you are both comfortable in the positions.  Chances are your manager tried to be only one thing for you-a great boss.  This is someone to supports you in the work that you are doing and someone you could respect, count on and ask for mentorship.  The role of a boss takes on a whole new point of view when individuals realize that they are attempting to improve the satisfaction of their employees and therefore the production company.

Great bosses will lead their staff through projects and creation and not push them.  They believe that people are good and they have faith in their staff.  They believe that they must work with their employees and not on them and they believe that empowerment comes from within the person and has more to do with the individual self motivation and talent then it does accepting the authority of the manager. 

Great managers teach skills and offer additional knowledge and support in order to achieve a goal.  Really great managers believe that all people have strengths which can be improved and that the weaknesses may be irrelevant or can be compensated for.  They believe in the power of positive thinking and have a very low tolerance for negativity in their departments.

Applying the Golden rule, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is something that comes naturally to a really good boss.  Treating employees with respect helps employees to acknowledge mistakes that are made before they become disasters.

Being a good boss also means staying calm in every situation.  Employees looks to their managers for consistency.  Leave your bad mood outside of the workplace because it doesn’t belong there and yelling and screaming at the employees will not motivate them to work harder for you.  Instead take stock of the abilities of the employees who are around you and assist them in working to the best of their ability, not to the best of yours.

Being the boss does not mean being bossy.  It means commanding the respect of others through your own actions, not through the position you hold.  Even the president of a country will not garner the respect of his countrymen if his actions do not match his position.  Instead, follow these simple rules with a simple please and thank you.

Houston Chronicle: How to be a Good Manager Without being a Pushover
Forbes: How to be a Great Manager that Employees Want to Work With