Keep Pushing Toward a Second Success
Naysayers are permeated with negative energy that can deflate your excitement and enthusiasm about your success and make you less apt to try again. Don’t look to others for affirmations – only to your own heart to know that what you did was worthwhile and made a difference in your life.
Listening to the negativity of others can be a downer and keep you from rising above it to go on to even bigger successes. Naysayers are full of complaints about everything in life – from work to health to family and friends.
Their cynicism makes them doubt themselves and can spill over to your own life if you let it. After a meeting or confrontation with a negative person, you may feel drained and unable to follow through with the enthusiasm and energy you had before the meeting.
You’ll encounter many negative people in your life and rather than letting them get you down, it’s best to create a plan of action to deal with them. Unfortunately, it’s not usually possible to change another person’s attitude.
Developing an emotional detachment from them can keep your stress from dealing with them at a minimum. When you believe in yourself and what you’re doing, it’s easier to keep them from destroying your self-confidence.
The shallowness from which their opinions of you are formed shouldn’t be allowed to send you on an emotional downer. As long as you’re sure of your self-worth, you don’t have to take the opinions of others seriously.
A separation from naysayers by setting limits and making it a point to distance yourself from them may be necessary. Don’t fear that you’ll be cast in a bad light or appear rude if you refuse to listen to their negative and emotional tirades.
You’re distancing yourself and refusing to listen because you care about yourself and what the negativity may do to your mood and how it might affect your life. If you’re in a situation where you’re stuck listening to a naysayer, be sure to respond in a mindful manner rather than reacting negatively to their own negativity.
Responding in a mindful way rather than reacting so you feel bad afterward will leave you feeling good about yourself and know that you handled the situation with dignity and respect (for yourself).
A coworker or family member may be a person you can’t always escape from or distance yourself from easily. In that case, you may want to interject another subject into the conversation – one that doesn’t trigger their negative responses.
Don’t even think you’re going to change a negative naysayer. Instead, dedicate that time and thought process to caring for and improving yourself. Remember that negative thoughts and reactions have no place in your life if you’re going to be successful.