Emotional Self-Confidence
Strong emotional self-confidence means that you believe in your ability to master your inner emotions.
This involves several components:
1. You believe that you are able to identify what you are feeling when you are feeling it. Many of us have no insight into what we’re truly feeling. Without clarity about what we’re feeling, we can’t have a good relationship with ourselves or a positive relationship with other people.
2. You believe that you are able to express your emotions appropriately to the appropriate people. Unexpressed emotions stagnate and create emotional blockages which can erupt causing further problems. Emotional blockages prevent us from giving or receiving love.
3. You believe that you are able to connect with others in a loving, meaningful way. Connecting with other people is a pillar of self-confidence. If you can’t function successfully at a social gathering or a business meeting, you can’t feel confident about yourself. Connecting with others increases your emotional confidence as well as love and fulfillment in your life.
4. You believe in your ability to find love, understanding, and compassion in life, especially in difficult times. Life presents us all with many difficulties and emotional challenges. To have emotional self-confidence, we need to be able to process these obstacles and negative emotions and come back to an emotional state of stability and love. To do this, we must see all things as having a kernel of possitivity, a bigger purpose, and a meaning beyond the difficulty itself. This belief prevents us from being victims and anchors us to something beyond ourselves.
5. You believe that what you have to offer others is of value. You are a unique human being, one of a kind, never to be repeated. Knowing who you are and what you have to offer brings true emotional self-confidence. With emotional self-confidence you honor your own uniqueness and that of others.
Pay attention to your feelings.
Do you always recognize what they are? Are you able to process the negative ones and come back to a place of stability and a positive attitude? Can you express your honest feelings to others or do you need to edit them? Are you frequently negative and judgmental? This can be the defense of people with low self-confidence.
The more powerless people feel, the more judgmental they tend to be.
Seek out opportunities to connect with others.
Isolating yourself sabotages emotional self-confidence. Connecting with others allows you to work on all aspects of emotional self-confidence. This will make you more powerful in all your connections with people.