Your Life’s Journey

Your Lifes Journey

Imagine this, you go through the daily grind, pay for all the mistakes that you didn’t make in the first place, and still be answerable to someone else. Who wants to live this kind of life anyway?  Unfortunately, the picture I just gave isn’t based on an isolated experience. A lot of people lead this kind of life. There is something truly wrong with this picture. To know if you’re one of them, ask yourself if you align actions according to your personal beliefs. Most likely, it’s not all the time that you get to do what you want. In fact, you may find yourself joining the bandwagon, going with flow, and still feel that somehow, deep down inside, you’re not exactly enjoying the moment. 

First and foremost, you must not mistake selflessness with cowardice. Most of the time, we do what we must for fear of rejection or of getting ridiculed. Yes, this may be part of maintaining the peace around you. But then again, maybe there is some way you can get yourself out from this rut. No one is forcing you to be where you are right now. In fact, you are the master of your own destiny, the person answerable for everything. Do you really want to see yourself 20 years from now living life with regret? I’m sure not.

You have to realize that every life is distinctive, even yours. No matter how mundane things become, there are just some aspects in your life that are uniquely yours. You need to know what is most important to you right now. Otherwise, what matters most will soon be forgotten. You can get distracted by other activities such as work, bills to pay, economic crisis, pressing problems, and just basically an array of activities that takes most of our day’s time.

You need to follow a system wherein you make a list of things you want to do. As dramatic as this sounds, it does help a lot to have an actual representation of all your life’s goals. Never ever forget to take care of yourself and your health along the way. After all, we all want to achieve many things so that we can become happy, and happiness is just not possible if your health and the relationships you have with the people in your life crumble into smithereens. Take a look at your list on a daily basis and attend to it, even if it’s only for a fraction of your day.

Just like the story of Aladdin, you have to find your own magic lamp, your own path to get you to your dreams and to fulfill your destiny. Now, go back to the list that you made and start seeing the numbers being crossed out. It’s now time to begin your life’s new journey.

You need to get a handle on whatever issues you have. Try to make a list of your priorities and tick off what has been done. Seeing that you have accomplished something greatly helps in making you feel lighter. Moreover, the list will jog your memory and tell you that you are still in control of your life. If you are still bothered by the number of things that you haven’t done yet, take the time to complete them at night. Instead of tossing and turning on your bed and forcing yourself to sleep when you know that it’ll never come, grab this chance to work. This may be your chance to shorten your list even further.